October 15, 2017
At this year’s RSA Charge event — where we are a Silver Sponsor — our theme is “GRC, Meet Cloud.” The message: the increasingly complex and costly business of keeping up with the ever-shifting regulatory and compliance landscape is challenging businesses everywhere.
While the theme applies generally, one topic that’s top of mind for businesses at the show is the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, which, beginning 2018, will mandate all businesses that store and/or process data on EU citizens to abide by a new regime of data protection and management standards.

In a special onstage presentation – entitled “Are You Ready For The GDPR?– Be Sure With Edgile And RSA Archer” – Edgile’s Kevin Berman and Samuel Bradley will speak about the ways businesses can more effectively manage those costs and complexities.
With regard to the complexities, Berman and Bradley will briefly review the many obligations that businesses have, as well as the duty to keep current on the new regulatory and compliance schema, one of the most sweeping in modern times.
As for the costs, the financial burden of managing these complexities can be significant.
The costs of not complying correctly are also great.
Under the new rules, businesses that fail to comply can be liable for 4% of their annual revenue of €20 million ($24 million), whichever is greater.
The solution: Berman and Bradley unveil a cloud-driven strategy that leverages both the RSA Archer platform and Edgile’s cloud expertise and regulatory/compliance content library.
It’s a modern solution for the modern enterprise.
Date: Wednesday, October 18
Time: 5:15 PM
Location: RSA Charge, Dallas