From Hype to Reality: Securing AI Adoption in Enterprises

Discover Practical Approaches for Securing AI Implementations and Ensuring Compliance

AI is already demonstrating the potential to transform the way organizations do business. These rapidly evolving systems can create new product innovations, improve operational efficiency and personalize customer experiences.

In the rush to adopt this new technology, security teams are facing challenges in managing new risks. AI security threats are growing and businesses need to integrate robust guardrails for safe and secure AI use now — before the bad actors move in.

In this webinar, Wipro and AIShield practitioners will explore real-world strategies to help organizations implement strategic security and compliance measures for their AI systems, including: 

  • Pain points in moving from experimentations to implementations
  • Hedging strategies against evolving standards and regulations
  • AI-centric technical controls, frameworks, tools, necessary skills, product innovation approaches and processes

We will discuss how cultural controls and transformations can break the silos between enterprise teams that may not have worked together, such as AI development, IT security, compliance, policy and governance, and reveal the human controls necessary to protect developers and users of AI.

This session is designed for CTOs, CIOs, CISOs, internal security teams and compliance and governance professionals. 

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For details on how to optimize cybersecurity programs, please contact your Edgile representative.