Do you have challenges in consolidating the way you manage your non-employee workforce and what access you assign to them?
While an HR system is the typical source of truth for employees, too often contingent workers and agency-supplied workforces get left out. They are often entered directly into identity management solutions, help desk systems, or directories, which still requires some manual work by sponsoring employees.
In this webinar, discover how SecZetta, SailPoint and Edgile have created an end-to-end solution for managing non-employee access and extending self-service capabilities for the supplying firms and agencies. You will learn how to:
- Consolidate all non-employees from several systems into one centralized source of truth
- Extend self-service capabilities for agencies and outside firms so they can manage the profiles and status of the workers they supply
- Ensure that non-employees are provisioned with the right access levels, and then deprovisioned when a contract expires
- Quickly terminate a relationship with an outside firm when needed, and have all the associated workers’ access terminated immediately
- Extend these capabilities for service accounts and bots