In today’s remote workforce environment, you need to know what data you have, where it is, how it’s being used, and how to manage compliance risks across the enterprise.
Microsoft > Microsoft Programs > Microsoft 365 Everywhere Programs

Microsoft Programs
Delivered by Gold Partner Edgile
Edgile Microsoft 365 Everywhere Programs
In today’s remote workforce environment, you need to know what data you have, where it is, how it’s being used, and how to manage compliance risks across the enterprise.
The Microsoft 365 Everywhere Programs consist of four, distinct security and compliance engagements that give you the insights you need to discover, protect and govern your corporate data using the Microsoft 365 licenses you already own.
Edgile%20Microsoft%20365%20ProgramsTo get started on unlocking Microsoft 365 security and compliance tools, please contact the Edgile representative in your area.

Edgile’s Microsoft Practice Team Leaders

Dean Fantham
Chief Technology Officer

Tarun Vazirani

Bob Moore

Raul Andaverde
Managing Director

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