The growth of digital technology and the rapid shift to a remote workforce have greatly expanded the information universe. Protecting this information is critical to meeting compliance requirements.
Microsoft > Microsoft Programs > Edgile Microsoft Compliance Workshop

Microsoft Programs
Delivered by Gold Partner Edgile
Edgile Microsoft Compliance Workshop
(Sensitive Data, Manage and Investigate Risk)
The growth of digital technology and the rapid shift to a remote workforce have greatly expanded the information universe. Protecting this information is critical to meeting compliance requirements.
This workshop demonstrates how to leverage the automated discovery tools in Microsoft 365 to uncover unstructured data, mitigate risks and manage data governance.
To get started on unlocking Microsoft 365 security and compliance tools, please contact the Edgile representative in your area.

Edgile’s Microsoft Practice Team Leaders

Dean Fantham
Chief Technology Officer

Tarun Vazirani

Bob Moore

Raul Andaverde
Managing Director

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