Microsoft > Microsoft Programs

Microsoft Programs
Delivered by Gold Partner Edgile
The following security and compliance engagements are being made available for a limited time. Microsoft covers all costs. See the program flyers for eligibility requirements.

Edgile Microsoft 365 Everywhere Programs
In today’s remote workforce environment, you need to know what data you have, where it is, how it’s being used, and how to manage compliance risks across the enterprise.
The Microsoft 365 Everywhere Programs consist of four, distinct security and compliance engagements that give you the insights you need to discover, protect and govern your corporate data using the Microsoft 365 licenses you already own.

Edgile Microsoft Security Workshop
(Threat Protection and Azure Sentinel)
Organizations are managing a growing volume of identities, data, applications, devices and infrastructure, all while dealing with tight budgets and vulnerable legacy systems. In this environment, minimizing security risks is a massive challenge.
This workshop showcases the latest security tools in your Microsoft subscription and helps you identify ongoing risks to your cloud environment so you can upgrade your security posture for the long term.

Edgile Microsoft Compliance Workshop
(Sensitive Data, Manage and Investigate Risk)
The growth of digital technology and the rapid shift to a remote workforce have greatly expanded the information universe. Protecting this information is critical to meeting compliance requirements.
This workshop demonstrates how to leverage the automated discovery tools in Microsoft 365 to uncover unstructured data, mitigate risks and manage data governance.

Edgile Microsoft Identity Workshop
In today’s hybrid environment, cloud apps must integrate with legacy on-premises apps. This makes it harder for companies to manage access and maintain security and compliance.
This workshop will demonstrate why identity is a fundamental pillar of an end-to-end security strategy. You’ll learn how to provide the right access to the right people at the right time to lower your data breach and compliance risks.

Microsoft Endpoint Management Workshop
More remote work is being performed on personal devices than ever before, creating massive risk management and productivity challenges for businesses.
As employees access data from their phones, tablets and laptops, organizations need to not only secure the data but the devices themselves before granting access. To maintain a high level of productivity, mobile security solutions must be simple and transparent to the users.
To get started on unlocking Microsoft 365 security and compliance tools, please contact the Edgile representative in your area.

Edgile’s Microsoft Practice Team Leaders

Dean Fantham
Chief Technology Officer

Tarun Vazirani

Bob Moore

Raul Andaverde
Managing Director