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Year 1 Success to Proactively Manage Tech, Risk and Compliance with ServiceNow IRM
On May 12, 2022, Edgile moderated a live expert panel discussion alongside industry experts from ATN International, Comcast and LinkedIn on ‘Year 1 Success to Proactively Manage Tech, Risk and Compliance with ServiceNow IRM’. During this session attendees learned first-hand how these organizations were able to operationalize key use cases powered by ServiceNow Integrated Risk Management (IRM) solutions along with key lessons learned. This panel discussion will also include details around their approach, timeline, deliverables, value delivered, and what’s next for their organization’s IRM roadmap journey.

Expert Panel Discussion:
Year 1 Success to Proactively Manage Tech, Risk & Compliance with ServiceNow IRM
Risk & compliance programs need to collaborate and coexist to achieve efficiencies organizations are seeking. Edgile will moderate a panel discussion covering a range of topics borne from Year 1 lessons learned while operationalizing ServiceNow IRM.
- Getting started: Risk or Compliance, where to begin?
- Realistic timelines: Experience going from ideation to production
- Continuous Monitoring: To automate or not to automate
- Special Use Cases: Decision Engine & Product Risk
- Trends and Opportunities: Focus areas for the future
- Where to go next: When to start thinking about enterprise-wide risks

Connect with Edgile to get started
For details on how to optimize your risk and security programs, please contact your Edgile representative.