Services › ServiceNow Risk and Security › ServiceNow Store Applications (Apps)
Edgile has achieved the ServiceNow Built on NOW platform program level, an app monetization framework that recognizes program participants with proven ServiceNow expertise that have a desire to accelerate customer outcomes and value realization through the delivery of innovative applications powered by the Now Platform. Within the Built on Now platform, Edgile has 26 leading app innovations that build a foundation for integrated risk and compliance management.

Accelerate and automate your risk and compliance management program with ServiceNow
Edgile’s award-winning Automated Regulatory Compliance (ArC) service provides industry-specific compliance tracking through a growing suite of apps that build a foundation for integrated risk and compliance management.

Proactively manage privacy-related risks and sustain compliance in your organization
Edgile’s Privacy ArC Content Pack is an extension of Edgile’s broader Automated Regulatory Compliance solution, delivering harmonized laws and regulations along with risk, governance and control related information as “content” directly to ServiceNow IRM platform instances.

Accelerate and automate workload migrations to the cloud
The Decision Engine integrated into ServiceNow can harmonize multiple siloed business functions and intake processes allowing your organization to rapidly and consistently provide input on privacy/availability and encryption requirements, access controls plus vulnerability scanning and code review.

Assess and streamline the audit function with ServiceNow
Organizations are required to provide evidence for multiple audiences (eg. internal audit, external audit, self-assessments, security, privacy, compliance, regulators, etc), however the most common complaint that business and IT teams face is why can’t evidence be provided once and reused multiple times.

Portals, forms and workflows that satisfy healthcare provider laws regarding grievances
Coming soon

Connect with Edgile to get started
For details on how to optimize your risk and security programs, please contact your Edgile representative.